Finally the surgery. Admitted the afternoon before, surgery first thing in the morning. I’m in the Blackrock Clinic in Dublin, so l can only tell about this experience.

Right from the day of admission l was brought into a whirlwind of activities, one after the other, people coming in and introducing themselves, and busy doing things: bloods, tablets, a small light last dinner, l really cannot remember the rest, but, from 5:30 admission time it quietened down only at around 10 pm. They also give you leaflets to read about blood transfusion, MRSA infection control, pain management - and are there if you need them to explain anything. Quite good.
Mr Robb came to see me. Explained he'd try and do the gastric bypass, but would fall back on the mini gastric bypass if he'd encounter technical difficulties. I've asked him what's the difference - which is a question I have seen asked around a lot of times - and he said that they are the same as to results and expected weight loss, but that with the mini bypass there is a risk of acid reflux going forward.
The nurses
Nurses are so important when you are in. My boyfriend told me this and he is right! My first night nurse‘s name was Marit, who trained as a dialysis nurse and worked for Fresenius for a while. Still works also in dialysis in Northern Cross and loves it. That was a nice thing given my boyfriend‘s past 22 years of dialysis, transplants, dialysis again, etc. Felt home right away with her. She was also the last day nurse I had before discharge.
Another very nice nurse was Naomi, really super nice, very gentle and very competent. She was on twice while I was there, really good. Claire also was nice, a very robust and energetic approach to nursing.
The morning of the surgery!
Wake up at 5 a.m. l think, or thereabouts. Sent for a shower with a special medical soap, had another cannula set up on the other hand for possible transfusions and had lots of other prep of which l remember zero-ziltch-nada!!! I suppose I was a little under shock. Then downstairs, whizzed down to theater.
My boyfriend told me l’d be remembering only the pre-op room, but instead they brought me in the big theater directly and l could see the huge console where Mr Robb would have operated from, l assume, but could not se the Da Vinci machine, and forgot to ask where it was. Maybe l saw it but didn’t recognize it.
There were people around me, the anesthetist, a guy pressing a mask over my face. I don’t remember anything else.
l came to at around 3-4pm, still pretty out of it at that point. They surprisingly got me in the chair at 5:40pm and l could text my boyfriend then.
They had called him anyway beforehand so he knew all had gone well.
Not a glitch
Mr Robb came to see me around 7pm. I was very lucky as the op went smoothly, without a glitch, and he could do the normal gastric bypass without any problem. Brilliant, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear!
Started sipping a little water around that time, but only a total of half a cup all that night.
Completely impossible moving about without help, but no nausea and no vomiting. This was really good :-)